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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire". Luke 3:16


Here are our Caritas Team.


At Christ the King, we teach our children to follow in the footsteps of Christ, to be active in their faith and to take action for the greater good of others and our world.

Annabelle, Noah, Kiara, Benjamin, Lexson, Hallie, Edgar and Elsie are very excited about their new roles.

Throughout the year, these children will be responsible for all our school fundraising events. They will keep all parents and carers informed of upcoming events through the Newsletter.

Caritas # Love in Action Award 


This very special Caritas #Love in Action award is awarded to those who have exemplified Jesus through their actions. Each week, our school community nominates someone who they feel should be awarded the Caritas - outstanding love - award. This can be a pupil, parent, member or staff or someone in our local community. It truly is wonderful to hear all the nominations which just shows what a lovely school community we have here at Christ the King. 


Macmillan Coffee morning 

Our new Reception parents and grandparents joined their children for a special coffee morning to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer support. It was a lovey morning and it was especially lovely to spend time with our new families. During the morning, we also sold cakes donated by the families at Christ the King raising over £375. A huge thank you to all our families for their support. 

Our Classrooms