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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch". Luke 5:4


Learning to read is one of the most important skills a child will learn at school. At Christ the King, we want children to have a passion for reading.

We want to develop enthusiastic and confident readers who read not only for information but also for enjoyment.

In school reading opportunities are provided on a daily basis from guided reading, whole class reading, one to one weekly reading to visits to the school library and a weekly STAR (Sit together and Read) session on a Friday morning, whereby parents and children are welcome to come into our school library and to quietly sit and read together. We also have a BRILLIANT BOOK AWARDS FOR CHILDREN IN YEAR 2 AND fantastic book awards club (FBA) for years 5 and 6. CHILDREN IN KS1 ARE ALSO GIVEN OPPORTUNTIES TO TAKE HOME A READING SUITCASE. WHEREBY THE CHILDREN CAN SIT AND ENJOY A STORY CUDDLED UP WITH A TEDDY, BLANKET AND A HOT CHOCOLATE. THEY CAN ALSO WRITE ABOUT THEIR FAVOURITE STORY.

Structured reading schemes run throughout the school which aim to develop and extend children's reading at their individual levels. All children are given an individual login for active learn primary and an individual reading book to take home to support their learning. Parents are actively encouraged to be involved in their child’s reading journey throughout their time at school and all children have a home school reading journal to ensure there is clear communication between home and school.

Book recommendations

Below are the 50 recommended books for each year group, as recommended by the website 

Our Classrooms