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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire". Luke 3:16

Our House Saints

St Bernadette
St Bernadette

St Bernadette Mary appeared to Bernadette in Lourdes.  Bernadette was confused by this but spread the message that Mary gave her, even though she was afraid.  Lourdes is now a very special place for Catholics.  St. Bernadette's feast day is celebrated on 16th April.

St Bernadette 

House Captain and Vice House Captain 

St Teresa of Calcutta
St Teresa of Calcutta

St. Teresa of Calcutta is the patron saint of World Youth Day, Missionaries of Charity and a co-patron of the Archdiocese of Calcutta, alongside St. Francis Xavier. St. Teresa's feast day is celebrated on 5th September.

St Teresa

House Captain and Vice House Captain 

St Francis of Assisi
St Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi is the founder of the Franciscan order and patron saint of animals, environment and merchants.  He was born in Assisi in Italy where a large basilica was built in honour.  St. Francis' feast day is 4th October.

St Francis 

House Captain and Vice House Captain 

St John Paul
St John Paul

St. John Paul II is the Co-patron saint of World Youth Day, alongside St. Teresa of Calcutta. St. John Paul II's feast day is celebrated on 22nd October.

St John Paul 

House Captain and Vice House Captain

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