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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire". Luke 3:16


Here you will find lots of useful information about our class and also see regular updates of all the exciting things that we've been up to throughout the year!

Mrs Fielding Mrs Canty Mrs Whitbread

In Year 2, we are taught by Mrs Fielding and are supported by Mrs Canty and Mrs Whitbread everyday. 

Mr Ashworth teaches us PE when Mrs Fielding is completing her planning and preparation and English leadership time.  


In Year 2, we follow the the school ethos 'Christ at the Heart of All We Do'.


Below is an overview of all the subjects and topics we will be learning over the course of the year.  More detailed information will be provided in our half termly learning letters which can be found below.

Year 2 Curriculum Overview



Our Autumn 1 learning letter is available below with lots of useful information about the half term ahead.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2 

Spring 1



KIRFs - Key Instant Recall Facts - are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work we complete in school. They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.

KIRFS Autumn 1 

KIRFS Autumn 2 

KIRFS Spring 1


PE - We will be doing PE on Mondays and Wednesdays in Spring 1.  Please make sure your child has their full PE kit in school on these days.

READING - Home reading books can be changed daily but only once an adult has signed to say that their child has read and has finished their book.  Children are to remember to put any finished books into the box first thing in the morning ready for changing.  If they are not put into the box in the morning, they will be changed the following day.

SPELLINGS - Spellings will be sent home every Friday to be practised for a test the following Friday.  Children should bring their spelling folders into school every Friday so that their test scores can be written in them and they can then be sent out again the same day with the following week's spellings to learn. 

HOME LEARNING CHALLENGES - These can be found in the half termly learning letters (see link above). 

RESOURCES AT HOME - Your child's login details for EdShed, Purple Mash and Times Table Rock Stars can all be found in the front of their home reading record.  Please encourage your child to use these regularly to support their learning.

SNACKS - Snack time takes place at morning playtime (10:30am) and consists of a piece of fruit or a vegetable.  If your child does not like the snack provided by school, a piece of fruit or vegetable snack can be sent in from home instead.  If your child receives school milk, this will also be given out at morning playtime.  If your child does not have school milk, they can have a drink of water from their own water bottle. 

WATER BOTTLES - This year, CTK has provided a water bottle for every child to use in school so they should not bring their own bottle from home (unless it is part of a packed lunch).  Children will have access to their water bottles throughout the school day and these will be cleaned and refilled daily.

Our Classrooms