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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire". Luke 3:16

Physical Education (PE)

PE Policy 



At Christ the King we recognise the value of Physical Education. Our intent is to develop the enjoyment and confidence of pupils to participate in physical activities; enabling them to achieve personal successes and providing them with lifelong physical skills. We also strive to educate pupils about healthy and active lives alongside fostering positive attitudes towards physical education.




At Christ the King, we place a high value on encouraging children to be physically active. Our very own Sports Co-ordinator, Mr. Ashworth, works with staff, pupils and outside organisations to promote and facilitate physical activity within our school community.  We aim to ensure that every child advances well in their physical literacy development, building the foundations for an active life for our pupils.


We encourage pupils to remain active throughout the school day, regardless of the weather! Wide-ranging and engaging curriculum units are planned, delivered and assessed. We also provide before and after school sports groups for all classes on a rotating termly offer, such as archery, dodgeball, and active blast circuit training. CTK also works with external sport providers who deliver exciting and unique after school club programmes. 

Through our continued work with the Burnley School Sports Partnership (BSSP), and through relationships with our fellow schools, we aim to provide lots of opportunities for children to represent school in inter-school sports events, linked to the school games framework.


Please scroll down for the latest sports reports! You can also check out our monthly school newsletter and always keep your eyes on our School Jotter Mobile App for important notices!


To read about our Sports Premium Funding click here



White T-shirt, black shorts, tracksuit bottoms and hoodies are permitted for outdoor PE sessions only (plain black if possible), black pumps (indoor), trainers (outdoor).

All children must have shorts and t-shirts for P.E. and in accordance with LEA guidelines,





Our Classrooms