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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire". Luke 3:16


On this page you will find information about special events held in school throughout the school year 

Remembrance - 11th November  

Just before remembrance day, we had some very special visitors in school, war veterans! It was wonderful to hear their stories and the children absolutely loved looking at their medals. 

This year our chaplains led a very special Remembrance assembly. Year 6 made  poppies for their Reception seeds which the children brought into the assembly. Before the assembly all children in Years 1 to Year 6 wrote their own prayer intentions which they brought into the assembly and placed at the front.

Throughout the assembly, children showed real compassion and respect for the soldiers and their families  It was simply beautiful to observe! 

Anti- bullying week - 12th November 

Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated In England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and takes place in November. This year the theme is RESPECT. 

Joseph, Layla, Winnie and Oscar S in Year 6 led a wonderful assembly explaining the importance of respect and how if we 'choose' to show this, we will eliminate bullying in schools. During the assembly they 

linked this years theme to British Values (Respect and Tolerance), Protected Characteristic's and our Catholic Social Teaching principles (Human Dignity, Our Common Home and Subsidiarity).

We all agreed that we should and will choose RESPECT and ensure we love one another as God loved us. 




NSPCC visit - 12th November 

Well done everyone!!!

Children in Need



Our Classrooms