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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He put this question to his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Matthew 16:13


On this page you will find information about special events held in school throughout the school year 

Remembrance - November 2021 

This year we held a very special Remembrance assembly. During the week, children had made their own poppies and prayer cards. In silence, during the assembly, every child and adult came into the hall and placed their poppy and prayer onto our display. Throughout the assembly, children showed real compassion and respect for the soldiers and their families  It was simply beautiful to observe! Here is a short video and pictures of the assembly. 

During November, all children have spent some time looking at why Remembrance Sunday is held every year. Children illustrated what they had learnt through art. Here are examples of children's art work. 

Anti- bullying week November 15th - 19th November 2021 

Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated In England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and takes place from 15 to 19 November 2021 and it has the theme One Kind Word. The week will begin with Odd Socks Day which is supported by CBBC and CBeebies star Andy Day and his band Andy and the Odd Socks.

Year 6 led a wonderful assembly highlighting how we can 'together' stop bullying. Children shared some very powerful messages in their presentation especially from the word anti. 

Always, always tell an adult – bullying can sometimes be too serious for you to deal with on your own

Never feel you are alone – most people feel bullying is wrong and they will support you

What can we all do that will prevent bullying happening? We can try to :

Treat everyone with kindness and consideration and set a good example to other people. Remember – kindness breeds kindness.

be Inclusive– treat everyone with equal respect  no matter how different they may be from us. Remember – God loves and values us all equally and we should do the same.

Here are two useful video clips which highlight how we can 'together' stop bullying. 

Just do one thing today 

Watch the zoo clip below and then click on the short video by Anna in Year 6.

CBBC - the zoo anti bullying week

Children in Need November 2021 

This year the focus is 'Do good, feel good'. Children came to school in pj's and throughout the school day, children joined in with Jo Wicks's mindfulness activities. School also held a cake sale with all donations going to Children in Need. We will give our grand total in the next school's newsletter. 

15th- 19th November

Year 2 learnt a Road Safety song - Stop, Look, Listen,Think!

Year 4 made Road Safety Posters


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