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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He put this question to his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Matthew 16:13


OFSTED recognised that Christ the King has good procedures and systems in place to identify and help children who have ‘Special Needs’. We regularly monitor the children and provide specific help, individual work programmes and, where possible, support time to help all such pupils. Some children who require greater support have their educational needs, adult support time and resources identified in an agreed Education and Health Care plan.

The school always involves parents where there is concern and will, with parents’ knowledge, involve outside advisory and support agencies, if necessary. The school’s Special Needs Policy follows DFE guidelines and is available for viewing in school. The Governors review the policy annually and it has also been amended to reflect the DFE SEN Code of Practice.

The name of our current SENCo is Mrs Anna Kelly and she can be contacted via phone on 01282 429108.

SEND Policy

School's Local Offer

SEN Information Report

Whole School Provision

LCC Local Offer

Accessibility Plan

SEND Newsletter

Our Classrooms