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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch". Luke 5:4

My Book Recommendations for Autumn 1

My recommendations are books about mice. Here are some examples:   

  • Harry’s Lovely Spring Day by N.G.K and Janelle Dimmett
  • Harry’s Spooky Surprise by N.G.K and Janelle Dimmett
  • Harry the Christmas Mouse by N.G.K and Janelle Dimmett
  • Little Mouse’s Book of Big Fears by Emily Gravett
  • Hermelin the Detective Mouse by Mini Grey
  • Mouse House by John Burningham
  • The Tale of Two bad Mice by Beatrix Potter

My Book Recommendations for Autumn 2

My recommendations are other books by Sue Hendra. Here are some examples:         

  • Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell
  • Supertato Run Veggies Run
  • No-Bot the Robot with no Bottom
  • Keith the Cat with the Magic Hat

My Book Recommendations for Spring 1

Robot Rumpus by Sean Taylor

Robots, Robots Everywhere! by Sue Fliess

National Geographic Readers: Robots by Melissa Stewart

Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover by Markus Motum

Boy and Bot by Ame Dyckman

My Book Recommendations for Spring 2

My book recommendations this half term are traditional tales. Read traditional or twisted, retold for modern readers or classic traditional tales. Here are some examples:

  • Mixed Up Fairy Tales by Hilary Robinson & Nick Sharratt
  • Ladybird Tales of Adventurous Girls
  • Usborne Illustrated Traditional Stories
  • The Once Upon a Time Map Book by B G Hennessy and Peter Joyce

My Book Recommendations for Summer 1

My book recommendations this half term are any of Beatrix Potter’s books. For example: The Tale of Mr. Tod, The Tale of Tom Kitten, The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck.

My Book Recommendations for Summer 2

My book recommendations this half term are:

  • “How to Train a Train” by Jason Carter Eaton
  • “Thomas Goes Crash” by Farshore
  • “See inside Trains (Usborne)” by Emily Bone and Colin King
  • “Trains” (National Geographic Readers) by Amy Shields.
  • “Lonely Planet Kids How Trains Work” by Clive Gifford.

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