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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He put this question to his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Matthew 16:13


Mr Broderick Mrs Thorley Mrs Driver

In Year 6, we are taught by Mr Broderick and we are supported by Mrs Thorley and Mrs Driver. When Mr Broderick is completing his planning and preparation, or working in his Deputy Head time, we have P.E. lessons with Mr Ashworth and a topic or a Science lesson with Mrs Kelly.

In Year 6,  we follow the the school ethos 'Christ at the Heart of All We Do'








Spelling Folders

Spelling folders will be sent home every Thursday. The spellings should be learnt at home throughout the week for the test on the following Friday. A copy of the year's spellings have been sent home with the children and can also be found below on this page.

Spelling folders will need to be handed back in every Thursday, so new words can be added for the following week. (Hand in Thursday – back out the same Thursday).  Our weekly spelling test will take place every Friday.


P.E. in the Spring Term is on a Wednesday and Thursday, please make sure that your child's full indoor and outdoor PE kit is in school at all times.


Children may bring a piece of fruit for morning break time. 

Water Bottles

Please send your child with a water bottle daily - this must be taken home, washed and returned each day.  The children have access to their bottles and are able to refill throughout the day if required. Only water to be drunk in class.

Learning Letters

Please find links below to all our learning letters for the academic year 2023-2024. These contain important information on topics we are covering in class and PE days. They also include details on learning challenges for your child to complete at home.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1



KIRF’s are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work we complete in school. They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.



Reading Books

Reading books can be changed daily, but only if an adult has signed to say that their child has read and has finished their reading book. House points will be rewarded when a book has been completed. We have a weekly timetabled session in the school library where children can select a book to read in class.

Children are to remember to put any books that need changing into the 'reading book changing box'.

If they are not put into the box in the morning, they will  be changed on the following day.

Mr Broderick's book recommendations this half term are ..  

Whitehough July 2024

Day 1......

Day 1 - Part 2......

Day 2......

Day 2 / 3...............

2023 Activities

Here are some examples of the fantastic work that has been going on in Year 6 this year:


Easter Art:

In preparation for Holy Week, we created some artwork for the parishioners of Christ the King


To view Year 6 Religious Education work examples click here.


Autumn 1: The Nowhere Emporium

In Year 6 this term, we have based our work on The Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie. This amazing story inspired us to write in a range of styles and for different audiences, and also helped us develop our grammar, punctuation and spelling skills, and our speaking and listening skills.


Autumn 2: A Christmas Carol 

For the second part of the Autumn Term, we looked at the clasasic novel by Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. The unit began with a number of lessons to immerse the children within this wonderful piece of fiction. The unit had three parts, with oral or written outcomes and assessment opportunities at regular intervals. The final outcome was for the children to write their own story in the style of the author. Opportunities for short and extended writing were embedded within the unit along with daily grammar staters.


Spring 1: Street Child

For the start of the Spring Term, we looked at Berlie Doherty's wonderful book Street Child. This unit had three parts, with oral or written outcomes and assessment opportunities at regular intervals. Children explored the main characters and events through discussion, investigation of historical sources, drama and they produced short and extended pieces of writing in the style of the author. We also worked on grammar, punctuation and spelling. Here are some examples of the children's work.


Autumn 1: The Circulatory System.

We studied the human circulatory system and its vital role in transporting oxygen, nutrients and hormones round the body. We have learnt:

  • the functions of different parts of the circulatory system
  • the role of different types of blood cells
  • how exercise affects pulse rate
  • how we use different types of variables when carrying out a scientific investigation
  • how we can present our results in different ways including bar charts and line graphs

Autumn 2: Light

This half term, we have studied light and how this form of energy is vital to our existence. We have learnt:

  • that light travels from a light source in straight lines called rays
  • that there are primary and secondary light sources and the moon is a secondary source
  • that light is vital to life
  • how light enables us to see
  • how shadows are formed and why different objects produce different shadows
  • to use independent, dependent and controlled variables in an investigation
  • to recognise and draw conclusions from patterns in results

Spring 1: Classification of Living Things

This half term, we learned how to classify living things into broad groups according to common characteristics. These characteristics are based on similarities and differences. We found out that living things can be grouped into micro-organisms, plants and animals. Here are some examples of the children's work.


Autumn 1: World War 2

As part of this topic, we explored and investigated a number of artefacts from this period of history. We also explored the causes of this conflict, the evacuation of children from the dangers of the main cities and looked at propaganda.


Autumn 2: North America.

Some of the areas the children studied were: the physical and human features of the continent; comparing the different climate zones and temperatures of Nuuk Greenland and London and also making links between the economy and the land-use, natural resources and tourism of their chosen country of North America.

Black History Week

During this week, we looked at the Windrush generation. We explored this key moment in our country's history and the challenges faced by these pioneers from the Carribean islands. We wrote letters from the perspective of the people who travelled on the Windrush and then explored the impact on their lives up to the present day. We also enjoyed some traditional dances from the Carribean Islands.


Autumn 1: Paula Wiegmink


Contextual Study

For our Autumn Art topic, we looked at the paintings of the artist Paula Wiegmink. We had a look at her background and her motivation for creating her wonderful paintings. We explored her techniques and how many of her pieces were based her desire to conserve the endangered spieces of the world. Within this phase, we expressed our opinions and reviewed a range of Wiegmink's artwork.

Developing Skills

For the next phase, we began practising our obeservational skills and worked on our pencil technique and shading skills. We then moved on to working with a range of mediums. We began working on a small preparatory works and selecting the techiniques we would use for our completed works. On completion of this phase, we reviewed our work and discussed how to improve our skills and how to select the most appropriate materials.

Final Outcome

For our final outcome, we mixed our sketching and pencil work with watercolours. We worked on added depth and texture to our work to create realsim To complete our topic, we reviewed our artwork to ensure we can build on our skills in future topics. We were really pleased with our final artwork, which we have proudly displayed within our classroom and within a large corridor display.

Design and Technology.

Autumn 2: 

Unit Outcome - To design a bread product


We begun our DT topic by evaluating different breads from around the world: gluten free; spelt, sunflower and honey; wholemeal; bagels; flatbreads; brioche and sourdough. We used our senses of sight, touch, taste and smell to help describe our thoughts on each different type of bread.

Making and Baking

After deciding on which type of bread to make, we researched the ingredients and then used our ratio and proportion skils to enure we had the correct weights and capacities. We then began to prepare and bake.a

Final Product

We couldn't wait to eat our bread! We added butter and jam and tasted the fruits of our hard work. It tasted delicious!


After we had eaten our bread, we evaluated our DT unit. We thought about what went well and what we would do differently the next time.

Home Learning Challenges

Autumn 1:

Here some of the wonderful pieces of work created by our children at home.

Autumn 2 (Advent):

Here some of the wonderful pieces of work created by our children at home.

Spring 1:

Here some wonderful pieces of art work created by the children in the style of Pablo Picasso.

Spring 2: (Easter)

Easter gardens and crosses.

Our Classrooms