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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire". Luke 3:16


Intent Statement :

At Christ the King R.C Primary, we aim to deliver a high-quality geography curriculum which will inspire pupils’ curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. As well as learning about the physical and human processes, children should be equipped with knowledge about diverse people, places, environments and resources. A key aim for the subject in the school is to promote the skill of active enquiry and investigation, encouraging the children to question how, why, where and what in terms of geographical processes.

Whole-school Geography 

Year 4

Autumn 2: Rivers and the water cycle

This half term our topic was rivers and the water cycle. Each child used maps, atlases and online mapping. They described the physical features of rivers and researched and presented information about a well-known world river. They answered the key question: How are rivers and humans linked?

Year 6

Autumn 2: North America.

Some of the areas the children studied were: the physical and human features of the continent; comparing the different climate zones and temperatures of Nuuk Greenland and London and also making links between the economy and the land-use, natural resources and tourism of their chosen country of North America.


Our Classrooms