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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire". Luke 3:16


Homework Policy

Homework in EYFS (Reception)


Letter sounds will be in packs in children’s book bags daily. Parents are encouraged to go through these sounds at home daily.  Tricky words will be added when the children are confident with their letter sounds.

Weekly spellings will go out on a Friday and children will be tested on the following Friday


When children are ready, reading books will be sent home. It is recommended that parents/carers read with their child daily. Reading records will be in children’s book bags so parents/carers can make comments on their child’s reading.

Homework in KS1 (infants) and KS2 (Juniors)


Children in Year 1-Year 6 all have a log on for Timestable Rock Stars (TTRS). This is a programme that will enable children to become fluent in their timetables in a fun and exciting way.

Below is a guideline for the end of year expectations for each year group

Year 1 ~ count in steps of 2, 5 and 10

Year 2 ~ recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables

Year 3 ~ recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Year 4, 5 and 6 ~ recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12

Children are encouraged to access this programme weekly at home. Timetables tests will be carried out regularly in school and parents/carers will be informed of their child’s progress during parent’s evenings and in their child’s end of year report.


Spellings and phonics homework will be given out weekly and children will take part in a test the following week. These will take place on a Thursday in Year 1 and on a Friday in Years 2 to 6.

Children in Year 1 will receive phonics homework linked to what they are learning in class.

In Years 2 to 6, the school follows the ‘No nonsense’ spelling programme. At the start of the school year, every child will be given a whole year spelling booklet which outlines weekly spelling rules that are covered in class. This booklet will also include statutory spelling words. The spelling booklet provides space for children to practice these words 5 times throughout the week. Children will mark on the booklets their scores so parents are able to see their child’s progress.


Children are expected to take their reading books home in their school bags every day. We encourage children to read with an adult at least 3 times a week. All children have a home reading book for parents to put any relevant comments relating to their child’s reading session.

Children, even when they can read fluently, will benefit from reading aloud daily to an adult. It is also important that children are asked to summarise their reading and challenged to questions about what they have read (referring to the text for answers and proof) as well as encouraging children to predict what will happen next.  It is really important that books are returned each day in good condition.  There will be a charge for damaged or lost books. 

Personal Learning Challenges

Personal Learning Challenges will be set every half term. Children will be given ideas for these in their half term learning letter. We know that all pupils have different learning styles, some are visual learners, others work well with words and writing, many learn best from hands-on activities and through making things. Learning is maximised when children engage in activities using their own individual learning style. We want the personal learning challenges to be fun and driven by the children; children can therefore decide how they want to present their work. These challenges are also an excellent way for parents/carers to spend time with children and be involved in their learning outside of school.

These challenges are not compulsory, but children will be rewarded for completing activities. Personal learning challenges will be shown during our celebration assemblies every half term.

How you can help your child with their homework

As a school we hope that you will find the following guidance helpful in supporting your child fully with their homework. You can help your child by:

  • Providing a suitable place in which your child can do their homework, preferably with an adult to discuss, encourage and support
  • making it clear to your child that you value homework and support the school in explaining how it can help learning
  • Encouraging your child and praising them when they have completed the work set
  • Signing and dating your child’s reading record
  • Ensuring reading books are returned to school daily
  • Checking your child spends a suitable amount of time on their homework.
  • Encourage them to be resilient and challenge themselves

Additionally, you can support your child’s development by:

  • visits to libraries, museums etc.
  • cooking with them
  • playing games, e.g. board games, cards, ball games
  • watching informative TV programmes together
  • providing opportunities for craft activities, e.g. cutting, sticking, sewing, painting etc
  • gardening and growing plants
  • talking to your child about schoolwork, their day, what they have been learning about and how they have been learning

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