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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire". Luke 3:16

School History

Christ the King Roman Catholic Primary School was founded over 130 years ago in 1876, under the name of St. Thomas’ and was run as an infant school. The school was situated in the Meadows district of the town and children came from Stoneyholme, Gannow, Rosegrove and Whittlefield. Gradually, due to the increase in attendance, the school began accepting junior children where numbers rose to 350.

During the mid 1960’s, the existing school buildings were constructed as a replacement school. The school, due to its position in Christ the King Parish, changed its name in 1970 to Christ the King Roman Catholic Primary School. On Tuesday 9th June 1970, Bishop Thomas Holland officially opened and blessed the school, which continues to serve and teach children in the surrounding area.

Our Classrooms