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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He put this question to his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Matthew 16:13


Mr Perry Mrs Wale

In Year 4 we are taught by Mr Perry. We are supported by Mrs Wale

In Year 4, we follow the the school ethos 'Christ at the Heart of All We Do' .


Please find links below to all our learning letters for the academic year 2023-2024. These contain important information on topics we are covering in class and PE days. They also include details on learning challenges for your child to complete at home.







Reading books can be changed daily but can only be changed once an adult has signed to say the book has been read and finished. There will also be daily whole-class reading sessions. Please click on the link below:

Mr Perry's book recommendations this half term

Summer 1 Term Reading Challenge

During this half-term, we will continue our reading challenge.  All you need to do is sign your child's home reading record so we know when your child has been reading. After completing a book, Mrs Wale will initial your child's independent reading chart. Please support your child as much as you can. I want the challenge to be exciting and one that encourages them to read even more.

Summer Spellings

An overview of Summer's spellings has been sent home (you can look at them by pressing on the link below too). Your child will come home each Friday with their test sheet and result.

Summer 1 spellings




KIRF’s are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work we complete in school. They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.

Key Instant Recall Facts Parent Letter

Summer 1 KIRFs


PE is on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings during Spring 2

See below for some of our wonderful work

Spring 1 Religious Education

This half-term, we asked and responded to questions about our experiences of being part of a commmunity. We also described the ways in which people serve their parish community. 


Spring 1 Literacy

This half-term, we read 'Balaclava Story' by George Layton and created our own stories based on the theme of issues and dilemmas. We also looked at the key features of persuasive adverts before writing our own persuasive advert. 

Spring 1 Maths

This half-term, we completed lots of work on decimals, including tenths and hundredths before further developing our understanding of multiplication. We learned how to solve multiplications with larger numbers.  

Spring 1 History

This half-term, our topic was 'Ancient Egyptians' and our focus question was: 'Why was the discovery of Tutankhamun significant?'. 

Spring 1 Science

This half-term, our topic was 'Sound'. We identified how sounds are made and completed lots of fun activities. We explored patterns between the volume of sound and the strength of vibrations. We completed an investigation to discover which material was best at muffling sound. 

Spring 1 Art

We had great fun designing and making an Egyptian death mask!

Autumn 1 Religious Education

This half-term, we have been learning about Jesus' family. Here is some of our work:

Autumn 2 Religious Education

This half-term, the children learned about:

  • Baptism/Confirmation
  • Advent/ Christmas

History Autumn 1

This half term our topic was ‘The Vikings’. We studied different sources of evidence to challenge the stereotype that all Vikings were raiders and violent. The children researched and studied sources before communicating their findings for the following question: What were the Vikings really like?

Geography Autumn 2

This half term our topic was rivers and the water cycle. Each child used maps, atlases and online mapping. They described the physical features of rivers and researched and presented information about a well-known world river. They answered the key question: How are rivers and humans linked?

Autumn 1 Year 4

Our topic was ‘States of Matter’. Here is a list of things that we did/learned:

  • Observed that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled
  • Identified the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associated the rate of evaporation with temperature
  • Learned that evaporation happens when water is heated/warmed and changed into a gas.
  • Learned that condensation happens when water vapour in the air turns into a visible liquid.
  • Learned that evaporation and condensation are changes that can be reversed

Autumn 2 Science

Our topic was 'Teeth and the Digestive System'. Here is a list of things that we did/learned: 

  • Described the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. 
  • Identified the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions.
  • Described how teeth and gums have to be cared for in order to keep them healthy.

These are the skills that we covered:

  • Compared the teeth of carnivores and herbivores.
  • Suggested reasons for differences [grouping & classifying].
  • Found out [testing and/or researching] what damages teeth and how to look after them.
  • Discussed their ideas about the digestive system.
  • Compared them with models or images.

Autumn 1  Literacy

The children in class have loved learning about the Loch Ness Monster!

Autumn 2  Literacy

This half term we read ‘Rumaysa’ by Radiya Hafiza. We wrote our own stories based on this book. We developed our understanding of expanded noun phrases and revised the use of inverted commas. The children also started using adverbials in their sentences. 

Autumn 1  Maths

Here is some of our work from this half-term:

Autumn 2  Maths

Here is some of our work from this half-term:

Our Classrooms