Catholic Life
Christ the King is a Voluntary Aided Roman Catholic Primary School. The practice of the Catholic Faith is fundamental in the life of the school and permeates through all that we do.
Our Parish Priest - Fr David Featherstone- visits our school regularly and celebrates Mass and Liturgies on a number of occasions throughout the school year. We work very closely with The Parish of the Good Samaritan, parents and catechists in preparing our children for the First Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
Whole school Collective Worship is held on Monday morning and Key stage (or class) Worship is held every Wednesday morning. The School's Chaplaincy team frequently leads class and whole school Worship. Through our acts of Collective Worship, whether in groups, classes, whole school or Parish, we aim to provide a pathway for our children to grow spiritually. We aim to not only provide religious knowledge for the children but also the opportunity to experience and grow in our active Christian community, where the Catholic Faith is witnessed in the life of the school and where we closely follow the example of Jesus .
While there is a legal right for parents to request that their children are withdrawn from Religious Education or collective worship, the Governors expect all parents to understand, before applying for a place, that worship and the teaching of Religious Education are essential and integral parts of the life of our school. No alternative provision is made at this time. However, the Governors recognise their responsibilities in law and parents with a concern may discuss matters with them.
Class Prayer Bags
All classes have their own Prayer Bag and all children will get a chance to take the bag home. Inside the bag, children will find items to allow them to set up their own special area in their home that will allow for special prayer time, on their own or with their family. Children are encouraged to light a candle (battery operated) as a sign of Jesus' presence.
Items inside the bag include;
- Candle
- Prayer cloth
- Copies of school prayers
- Wooden cross
- Rosary beads
- Bible
- Prayer book/diary
As part of their experience, we encourage children (with the support of an adult) to complete the prayer diary. Children can record their thoughts, feelings or write a recount of how they set up their special area or they may wish to write a special prayer intention. We would also really love to see photographs in the diary too so children can share their experiences with the class the following week.
During Lent this year, we will take part in many activities at home and in school. The 'Cross for Christ' challenge is back again this year and we will hold an Easter garden competition at the end of this term. We will also be raising money for CAFOD by walking as many miles as we can during Lent and collect as many coins as possible for the St Joseph's Penny appeal. Throughout Lent children will also show their love for Jesus by completing a 'Good Deeds' Lenten challenge. We will add photographs of the children's work at the end of this term and all details can be found in the letter below.
Home Lent and Easter activities 2022
To read the Pastoral letter from Bishop John Arnold click here
Pentecost Artwork at Christ the King
At Christ the King, each class explored Pentecost through various art and craft activities.
Pentecost Art in After School Club
Pentecost Artwork completed my Millie, Evie and Lena. The girls completed these fantastic crafts showing the gifts from the Holy Spirit in our before school club.
Pentecost Artwork by Year 3
Pentecost Artwork by Year 1
RE and Catholic Life Inspections (Section 48)
Every school in the Diocese of Salford is inspected under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. These inspections evaluate the Catholic life of the school, the provision and quality of collective worship, as well as all areas of RE. This inspection process helps ensure that all Catholic schools continue to develop to fulfill their mission of making Christ know.
There are two types of School Inspection. Section 5 is the OFSTED whole school inspection, and Section 48 is the RE inspection that is carried out in schools that have a religious character. OFSTED has no remit to inspect the RE provision in a school designated as having a religious character and does not pass judgment on this area of school life in their inspection process at Christ the King.
Catholic life is judged against the following grade descriptors:
- The Catholic Life of the school
- Collective Worship
Leadership of Catholic life and collective worship is judged against the following grade descriptors:
- Leadership of Catholic life and collective worship
Religious Education is judged against the following grade descriptors:
- Leadership of Religious Education
- How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in Religious Education
- The quality of teaching and how purposeful learning is in Religious Education
- The Curriculum in Religious Education and the “Catholic Curriculum”
RE and Catholic Life Inspections take place every 5 years with an interim monitoring visit on the third year to ensure that all previous judgements are still sound and to review progress.
Please read Christ the King's most recent Section 48 Report below:
Christ the King RCPS - Section 48 Inspection Report (November 2016)