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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He put this question to his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Matthew 16:13


Autumn 1  2023 Purple Mash Unit 1.1 Online Safety and Exploring Purple Mash.

This half term Year 1 have learnt to:

  • log in to Purple Mash using their own login.
  • created their own avatar and understand why it is useful.
  • add their name to a picture they created on the computer.
  • open a ‘To do’ on Purple Mash, complete the ‘To do’, and save the work when finished.
  • save work into the My Work folder in Purple Mash and understand that this is a private saving space just for their work.
  • log out of Purple Mash when they have finished using it and know why that is important.

Autumn 2 2023 Purple Mash Unit 1.2 Grouping and Sorting.

This half term Year 1 have learnt to:

  • sort various items offline using a variety of criteria.
  • sort various items online (on Purplemash) using a variety of criteria.

Autumn 2 2023 Purple Mash Unit 1.3 Pictograms.

This half term the key learning was:

  • To understand that data can be represented in picture format.
  • To contribute to class pictograms.
  • To use a pictogram to record the results of an experiment.

Year 1 Spring 1 2024 Purple Mash Unit 1.4 Lego Builders

This half term the key learning was:

  • To think logically about scenarios.
  • To learn the term ‘algorithm’. This concept is at the core of coding.
  • To follow algorithms, to create algorithms and to debug an algorithm.

Year 1 Spring 2 2024 Purple Mash Unit 1.5 Maze Explorers

This half term the key learning was:

  • To understand the functionality of the direction keys.
  • To understand how to create and debug a set of instructions (algorithm).
  • To be able to use the additional direction keys as part of an algorithm.
  • To understand how to change and extend the algorithm list.

Year 1 Summer 2 Purple Mash Unit 1.8 Spreadsheets

This half term the key learning was:

  • To add clipart to cells.
  • To move images.
  • To lock images to cells.
  • To add a count tool to a spreadsheet.

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