Autumn 1 2023 Purple Mash Unit 1.1 Online Safety and Exploring Purple Mash.
This half term Year 1 have learnt to:
- log in to Purple Mash using their own login.
- created their own avatar and understand why it is useful.
- add their name to a picture they created on the computer.
- open a ‘To do’ on Purple Mash, complete the ‘To do’, and save the work when finished.
- save work into the My Work folder in Purple Mash and understand that this is a private saving space just for their work.
- log out of Purple Mash when they have finished using it and know why that is important.
Autumn 2 2023 Purple Mash Unit 1.2 Grouping and Sorting.
This half term Year 1 have learnt to:
- sort various items offline using a variety of criteria.
- sort various items online (on Purplemash) using a variety of criteria.
Autumn 2 2023 Purple Mash Unit 1.3 Pictograms.
This half term the key learning was:
- To understand that data can be represented in picture format.
- To contribute to class pictograms.
- To use a pictogram to record the results of an experiment.
Year 1 Spring 1 2024 Purple Mash Unit 1.4 Lego Builders
This half term the key learning was:
- To think logically about scenarios.
- To learn the term ‘algorithm’. This concept is at the core of coding.
- To follow algorithms, to create algorithms and to debug an algorithm.
Year 1 Spring 2 2024 Purple Mash Unit 1.5 Maze Explorers
This half term the key learning was:
- To understand the functionality of the direction keys.
- To understand how to create and debug a set of instructions (algorithm).
- To be able to use the additional direction keys as part of an algorithm.
- To understand how to change and extend the algorithm list.
Year 1 Summer 2 Purple Mash Unit 1.8 Spreadsheets
This half term the key learning was:
- To add clipart to cells.
- To move images.
- To lock images to cells.
- To add a count tool to a spreadsheet.