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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He put this question to his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Matthew 16:13

Welcome to Year 3

Hello! In Year 3 we are taught by Mr Farley  and we are supported by Mrs Wale.

In Year 3, we follow the the school ethos 'Christ at the Heart of All We Do'  .

Please check in on this page for all our latest activities, photos, videos and learning in class. Below you will find the key information for the year.

Thank you for visiting our page.    

Key information

This half term, we have swimming on a Monday afternoon. Our P.E day is Wednesday - please make sure full indoor and outdoor P.E. kits are always in school.

Spellings will be sent home every Friday to be learnt and practiced for the test on the following Friday. Spelling books will need to be handed back in every Friday.

Children may bring a bottle of water to school everyday that is accessible for them throughout the day to stay hydrated. These will go home every night so they can be washed and returned the following day. 

Learning Letters

Please find links below to all our learning letters for the academic year 2022-2023. These contain important information on topics we are covering in class and PE days. They also include details on learning challenges for your child to complete at home.

Autumn 1   Autumn 2  Spring 1  Spring 2    Summer 1    Summer 2

KIRF's (Key Instant Recall Facts)


KIRF’s are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work we complete in school. They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.

Mr Farley's recommendations this half term are ...



Y3 have been working hard to complete their design and technology project. This half term, we have been design and building our very own mini-greenhouses. We practised our, sawing, measuring, and cutting skills. We also used two different types of glue to assemble our mini greenhouses. Here are some of our finished products!

World Book Day 2023! Well done to everyone in y3, you all looked fantastic dressed as your favourite literary characters. In our class today we have had: Aslan the Lion, Mrs Twit, Matilda and many more!

Y3 are preparing for their First Holy Communion through their Sacramental Programme.

Y3 have started their new P.E topic, net and wall games. We have started by practising our hand-eye co-ordination skills and will go on to tennis and badminton later in the half term.

Y3 have been learning about volume and capacity. We have estimated the capacity of different containers and measured to see how close our estimate was.

In the final week of the Spring 1 half term, Y3's English focus will be debating. We will be thinking and discussing the pros and cons of having a school uniform. We will focus on constructing a persuasive and balanced argument. Have a look at this short video clip to start thinking about what some of the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform might be: School uniforms: 'I don't want any kid to feel embarrassed' | Newsround - YouTube

To coincide with studying the Stone Age in History, Y3's Art topic for this half term has been cave painting. After looking at examples of cave painting and different media, we worked on our own cave painting collaboration!

In our R.E. topic of 'Journeys' we have been thinking about the importance of Feast Days within the Church. Y3 especially enjoyed working along to this song by John Burland about Our Lady. It can be found at this link: Mary, Mother of God - YouTube

Some of us have been inspired by our cave painting topic to create our own Stone Age-inspired art work. Well done to all those who have had a go at home!

Some super maths work done at home!

As part of our R.E. work, we put aside 15 minutes each week to fill in a page of our 'I Wonder...' book. Here was our first page of this half term. Our prompt was: 'I hope this year will bring...'.

Our Classrooms