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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi He put this question to his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Matthew 16:13

WELCOME TO Year 4 Class



In Year 4 we are taught by Mr Perry. We are supported by Mrs Poole.

In Year 4, we follow the the school ethos 'Christ at the Heart of All We Do'  .

Learning Letters

Please find links below to all our learning letters for the academic year 2022-2023. These contain important information on topics we are covering in class and PE days. They also include details on learning challenges for your child to complete at home.


 Learning letter SUMMER 1

(scroll lower down for photos and examples of work from previous terms) 

Religious Education

During Summer 1, we will be studying the two themes of Pentecost and Reconciliation



Reading books can be changed daily but can only be changed once an adult has signed to say the book has been read and finished. As well as reading books, there will be daily class reading sessions. 

Mr Perry's book recommendations this half term are:  

book recommendations summer 1 2023                                                 


Summer Term Reading Challenge

During this term, we will start a new reading challenge.  All you need to do is sign your child's home reading record so we know when your child has been reading. After completing a book, Mrs Poole will initial your child's independent reading chart (keep an eye out for this - it is being sent home at the start of the summer term). As they read more books, they'll move on their chart and have the chance to receive rewards. Your child will be able to explain this to you. Alternatively, come and see me at the end of the school day and I will explain it to you. Please support your child as much as you can. I want the challenge to be exciting and one that encourages them to read even more.

Summer 1 Spellings

An overview of this half-term's spellings has been sent home (you can look at them by pressing on the link below too). Your child will come home each Friday with their test sheet and result. 

summer 1 2023 spellings overview


Multiplication facts

At some stage during June, your child will be sitting the statutory Multiplication Tables Check. More information about this can be found on the following website:

I would appreciate your encouragement and support in helping your child. I don’t want it to be a worrying experience and will do my best to make sure the children enjoy the challenge rather than fret about it.

There is an expectation that by the end of Year 4 all children know their full 12 X 12 tables. It is that important your child can count up in steps from zero but also learn their table facts in a random order. There is no need to spend lengthy periods of time on these- quick, short sessions are usually more beneficial. Your child should have a login for times table rockstars. Please encourage your child to use this- it is great fun! The website below is very good for practising too - it is very similar to the format for the official test.

KIRF's (Key Instant Recall Facts)

KIRF’s are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work we complete in school. They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.


PE is on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings during Summer 1.


Spring 1: Literacy

This half-term we read, ‘Balaclava Story’ by George Layton. We developed our grammar skills throughout the half term and wrote a short story based on this story and genre.

We focused on using commas in complex sentences and punctuating speech accurately. In a separate unit of work, we also looked at the key features of persuasive adverts before writing our own persuasive advert or leaflet.

Spring 1: Tutankhamun and Ancient Egypt

This half term our topic was Ancient Egyptians. Throughout the topic, each child developed their understanding of chronology and learned how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources. They were encouraged to raise their own questions of enquiry and to create informed responses. 

Spring 1 ART: Tutankhamun's death mask

Spring 1 Science: Sound

This half-term, we had great fun completing lots of practical activities. Here is a list of our coverage:

  • Identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating.
  • Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear.
  • Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.
  • Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.
  • Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it.
  • Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear.


Autumn 2: Literacy

During Autumn 2, Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed our focus novel, 'Rumaysa: A Fairytale'. During the reading phase we did lots of book talk and developed an understanding of the main characters. We also developed our understanding of the genre. Throughout the reading phase, we explored our grammar focus of expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. We enhanced our understanding of inverted commas too. After completing the book, we adapted the original story and created our own story plan. We gathered lots of ideas before writing our own stories. Year 4 produced some amazing stories and some of them are now on display in school! We even found time to write an independent retell of another folk tale before Christmas!!

Autumn 2: The VIKINGS

What were the Vikings really like? Were they raiders or settlers?? Our opinion of the Vikings changed throughout the unit as we studied more sources and considered the argument that they were both. Early evidence suggested that the Vikings were barbaric warriors who rampaged monasteries and slaughtered anyone who got in their way. However, a more modern perspective teaches us that the Vikings were also famers and traders who settled in Great Britain and lived peacefully amongst their families. Take a look at our wonderful work from this half-term.

Autumn 2 Science

Our topic was ‘Teeth and the Digestive System’. Here is a list of things that we did/learned:

Described the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans.

Identified the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions.

Compared the teeth of carnivores and herbivores.

Described how teeth and gums have to be cared for in order to keep them healthy.


We particularly enjoyed the messy activity where we discovered how the digestive system works!!

Autumn 2 DT Slingshot Cars

The children designed and made their own slingshot cars!!

Autumn 2 Viking Art

We had a great day being rock stars and we beat Year 3 in our multiplication challenge!!!!


As part of our learning for Black History Month, we did some Samba!

Autumn 1 Religious Education

This half-term, we have been learning about Jesus' family. Here is some of our work:

Autumn 1  Geography

This half-term, we have learned about rivers and the water cycle.

Autumn 1  Science

This half-term, our topic was 'States of Matter'. 

Autumn 1  Literacy

The children in class have loved learning about the Loch Ness Monster!

Autumn 1  Maths

Here is some of our work from this half-term:

Our Classrooms